Main siteAttractionsMonastery o. Camaldolese in Bieniszew
Monastery o. Camaldolese in Bieniszew
Bieniszew-Klasztor 1
62-530 Kazimierz BiskupiIn the middle of the Kazimierz forests, 8 km northwest of Konin, there is one of the two Camaldolese monasteries operating until today in Poland (at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries there were seven of them in Poland). The bieniszewo hermitage nestled at the top of "Sowia Góra" (1760-1781) is a real unique phenomenon, because only men can enter the monastery due to the restrictive religious rule (women can visit the monastery every Sunday from 10 am till 11.30 am (during the Holy Mass), on 7 september from 4pm till 8pm, on 8 september (annual fair) from 6am to 8pm, during Christmas (25 and 26 December) as well as Easter (Sunday and Easter Monday) from 10am to 11.30am (during the Holy Mass).