Main siteAttractionsChurch St. Martin in Kazimierz Biskupi
Church St. Martin in Kazimierz Biskupi
ul. Kościelna 12
62-530 Kazimierz BiskupiKazimierz Biskupi is a commune village located 12 kilometers northwest of Konin. Particularly noteworthy is the Gothic (originally Romanesque) church. St. Martin, built of sandstone blows already in the twelfth century. The church has been damaged many times (especially fires). It was built on a rectangular plan with a semicircular apse. The interior is closed by a flat ceiling with a polychrome from 1900, illustrating scenes from the life of the Five Brothers of the Martyrs. The main altar in the Baroque style hides the "miraculously famous" image of Our Lady of Casimir (from 1721). In turn, in one of the side altars of the temple there is a sarcophagus with a silver coffin storing the relics of the holy martyrs. In Kazimierz Biskupi, it is also worth visiting a Gothic, post-Bernardine monastery (today the Higher Theological Seminary of the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Family) and the wooden church of St. Isaac.